Thursday, May 25

The Pet Pleading Begins

I'm not even born yet and I already want a pet. How could you not when, just minding your own business, surfing the web from your mom's uterus, OH MY GOSH! You come across pictures like these...

Talk about a puppy dog face. Puuuuhlease mom and dad, can we get a dog... can we?

If not a dog, at least a bunny.

I know we already have a cat, but how about this kitten?

Okay everybody, clap if you agree I should get a pet already!

Com'on now, how can you resist this little guy?

Their powers of cuteness overwhelms. If you want some more of the cutest living things in the world (next to me, that is), check out Cute Overload for all your unbelievably adorable, pet-lovin' needs.

Until next time, that's (my way too cute but pet-deprived) life thus far.

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