Thursday, August 10

What Will It Be Like?

Like my old man, I, too, have no idea what any of this means. This being born thing that is.

I mean, what's it going to be like on the Outside? What will my parents act like when I'm out there? How am I going to react when I actually have to wear diapers and clothes? What's earth look like, smell like, feel like? What will I eat and how much will I like it all? There are so many questions and so few answers until I get out there.

That's it, I think I'm going to try and break out of this joint early. I can't take the suspense much longer. It may not happen, but I'll try. I happened to catch this show last season while I was still developing my ears and eyes and brain and stuff, and I think it captures the spirit of my future attempt well:

Yes, the womb is like a warm, wet prison

Until next time, that's (my extremely curious and impatient) life thus far.

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