Wednesday, August 2

Little Room for Style

I had no clue it was so uncomfortable being pregnant. I mean, I thought I had the tough job, all contorted and crammed in here. But, apparently not. My mom recently wrote about what she likes and doesn't like about being pregnant and let me tell you, it doesn't sound all that fun.

On a more blog-related note, I know I haven't been writing much lately, but it's really hard fitting a keyboard in the tiny space I have left anymore. I tried watching HGTV's Small Space, Big Style show for some ideas, but I haven't seen anything yet on how to make the most of a 18"x18" floorplan. Good thing I didn't end up having a twin brother or sister. That would have been insanely stifling and, likely, not a great way to start our siblinghood.

Well, that's all I got for now. My cute little fingers are getting tired. Until next time, that's (my not-as-uncomfortable-as-I-once-thought-but-still-compact) life thus far.

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