Monday, October 23

Dang, Am I Cute or What?

Time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday I was starting this site, still suckin' on amniotic fluid. And now, I'm five weeks old on the Outside, livin' the good life.

Here I am chillin' in one of my many blankies:

Geez, I sleep a lot.Here I am with my Grams:

Hold my head up, Grandma!This is me in my work out clothes, ready to run like Rocky Balboa, baby:

Adrien!Here I am with my Grandpa Russ, Uncle Ian, and dad:

Yes, I'm a quarter black, people.This is my folks and me right before my Grandpa Dave's birthday dinner:

This is one good lookin' family if I ever saw one.This is my Grandpa Dave, hamming it up, and my Grandma smiling like crazy while holding me, like usual:

You're silly, grandpa.And here... well, this is just the I'm-too-stinking-cute-for-words shot:

I was actually just about to cry, but my dad snapped it just in time!
Until next time that's (my already-having-to-deal-with-paparazzi) life thus far.

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