Monday, July 17

A Little Bump On The Road

Well, it was quite the weekend indeed. A bumpy one. On Friday, my mom got rear-ended and, while I didn't feel the actual crash too much, I definitely felt my mom's adrenaline spike. For the full story, you can check it out here.

Not too much else is going on. I've been getting the hiccups a lot and I'm growing, growing, growing away. Honestly, I'm quite ready to pop this joint. I want it to be a very grand entrance, though. Something memorable. So I'm going to try and wait a little longer.

Until next time, that's (my occasionally bumpy) life thus far.

Friday, July 14

Independence Day and the Rockettes

It sounds like I missed quite the show with my folks this past week. Oh well. I definitely have many Independence Days ahead of me. And I think the best Independence Day will be when I get out of this crammed womb.

As you can guess, things are getting tighter. Much tighter. It's difficult to roll around at all. All I can really do right now is stretch for a couple moments and/or kick. My mom told me that becoming a professional Rockette might be in my future. We'll see.

My future career
But, on the other side of the token, or more accurately, my mom's tummy, this isn't comfortable for her either. I'm getting bigger. I weigh roughly three pounds now and, while that may not seem like much to any of you, it takes a toll when those three pounds are movin' and groovin' inside your body as much as I am. It's alright though. Just two and a half more months and my mom won't have to deal with me inside her anymore. Then it's a whole new world. For both my parents and me.

Until next time, that's (my increasingly squeezed and co-dependent) life thus far.