Tuesday, June 20

Increasing Excitement

My parents seem pretty excited. And all things considered, I guess they should be. Check out a little news from their perspective. Oh, and you'll get a couple snapshots of my room-to-be, which isn't half bad if I do say so myself.

Until next time, that's (my well parented) life thus far.

Friday, June 16

The Ceremonial Decoration of The Newborn's Room

First of all, I know it's been a little while since I last posted so you'll have to forgive me. I'm growing like crazy and, as a result, I'm pretty tired. So, I'm sleeping most of my days away. Plus, it's getting so crammed in here with my growth that it's hard to fit a keyboard in here to type. Oh well, I'll keep posting what I can.

Now, about life. There hasn't been too much going on other than the above stated growth. The only really cool thing that's happened is my parents started working on my room. Painting, reflooring, decorating, the whole works. My dad said he'll try to email me some pictures soon, but who knows how long that will take. They're painting the room a really light blueish purple, with a nice solid purple trim and white bordering. They also bought some nice pictures and a really bright pink rug. I can't wait to see it! Unfortunately, I do have a couple more months until I get to chill on The Outside. My mom already bought me a onesie in anticipation of how much I'll like my room. It reads, "Crib Potato." Yeah, that sounds like me.

Until next time, that's (my very sleepy and ultra sweetly decorated) life thus far.