The Youngest Blogger Ever To Have Lived
First, let me introduce myself. I'm Riley. Riley C. I would tell you more, but my parents are a little strict on the privacy stuff and won't let me give out my full name or anything. Right now, I'm still in my mom's womb, but I figure it's never too early to start getting your voice out there. So here I am.
I know I'm a little behind on the blogging craze, but try to cut me a break... I'm not even born yet, for cryin' out loud. While other fetuses (or is it feti?) might use that as an excuse, though, I decided to get right to it, make the record books as the world's youngest blogger. And rightly so. My parents are fairly good communicators (from what I can hear) and I might as well make 'em proud.
I should probably tell you what got me here, too. I'll cut right to it for you: my parents had sex. Yep. It's as simple as that. My mom is probably thinking twice now that I'm causing her all sorts of discomfort and pain. She doesn't get it, though. It's cramped in here, and if she keeps feeding me the way she has been, I won't have any room at all soon. No worries though, every now and then I give her a good solid kick to let her know who's in charge.
Oh, and yesterday, I almost forgot. I got hiccups for the first time. It was okay for the first little bit, a good new experience and all, but after a while, I was ticked. I had them all stinking day long. From what I could hear on "the outside," my dad said I must have picked up his propensity for getting the hiccups all day. Fantaaaaaastic. Thanks dad. The joys of genetics continue. First my freaking huge, curved big toe and now hiccups.
Well, I'm going to go take a nice long nap now so that I can wake up just in time to kick my mom in the gut as much as possible as she tries to fall asleep. Until next time, that's (my short but otherwise content) life thus far.
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