The Photogenic Fetus That Is Me
People have been asking my parents about the last ultrasound a lot lately. And considering the fact that no one other than my parents have actually seen me yet, my parents and I decided it would be nice to show you a couple snapshots from my latest photo opportunity.
First, here's my big toe for which my mom nicknamed me "Big Toe Magoo." According to her, I've unwillingly inherited my dad's oddly curved toes. Thanks, dad.
Next, here's a nice little profile shot. I may not have the most distinguished of features yet, but as you might be able to see here, it looks as if I have a really big nose and some very voluptuous lips. We'll see if it stays that way.
If you're still not convinced I'm a girl, here's the picture to make you think otherwise. What you may think appears like a boy part is actually just the umbilical cord. Yes, I'm very much a girl.
Lastly, here's a nice little face shot. I would have waved, but my arm muscles are still developing. My eyes and brain look a little hollow here, but don't worry, that's just fluid. I am fully in tact.
Well, those are the only photos worth showing for now. Wait a couple more months and I'll have some much better shots for you. Also, I think my dad's been taking pictures of my mom's belly so you can see what I'm doing to stretch her... literally.
Until next time, that's (my incredibly photographic) life thus far.
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